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Notes to the Group’s Financial Statements

10 Financial assets and liabilities
Financial assets and liabilities have been categorised in accordance with IAS 39.9. In the table are also included interest income and expenses, realised and unrealised gains and losses recognised in P/L, impairment losses and dividend income arising from those assets and liabilities. The financial assets in the table include balance sheet items Financial assets and Cash and cash equivalents.
EURm Carrying amount Interes inc./exp.t Gains / losses Impairment losses Dividend income
Financial assets at fair value through p/l
Derivative financial instruments 78 1 37 - -
Financial assets designated as at fair value through p/l 50 1 7 - 0
Loans and receivables 1,051 23 -11 - -
Financial assets available-for-sale 16,430 427 187 -38 125
Financial assets, group total 17,609 453 220 -38 125
Financial liabilities at fair value through p/l
Derivative financial instruments 53 - -
Other financial liabilities 2,140 -73 16
Financial liabilities, group total 2,193 -73 16
EURm Carrying amount Interes inc./exp.t Gains / losses Impairment losses Dividend income
Financial assets at fair value through p/l
Derivative financial instruments 168 2 32 - -
Financial assets designated as at fair value through p/l 70 6 3 - 0
Loans and receivables 1,142 19 0 - -
Financial assets available-for-sale 16,511 526 75 -62 112
Financial assets, group total 17,891 554 111 -62 112
Financial liabilities at fair value through p/l
Derivative financial instruments 62 - -
Other financial liabilities 2,316 -85 10
Financial liabilities, group total 2,378 -85 10
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