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Notes to the Group’s Financial Statements

2 Net income from investments
P&C insurance
EURm 2013 2012
Financial assets
Derivative financial instruments
Gains/losses -5 -12
Financial assets designated as at fair value through p/l
Debt securities
Interest income 0 3
Gains/losses -0 4
Equity securities
Gains/losses 6 0
Dividend income 0 0
Total 7 7
Loans and receivables
Interest income 22 18
Financial assets available-for-sale
Debt securities
Interest income 317 379
Impairment losses -0 3
Gains/losses 13 11
Equity securities
Gains/losses 57 12
Impairment losses -4 -27
Dividend income 37 40
Total 419 418
Total from financial assets 443 430
Other assets
Investment properties
Gains/losses -0 1
Other -1 -1
Total from other assets -1 0
Expense on other than financial liabilities -4 -3
Effect of discounting annuities -55 -57
Fee and commission expenses
Asset management -15 -11
P&C insurance, total 368 359
Included in gains/losses from financial assets available-for-sale is a net gain of EURm -63 (28) transferred from the fair value reserve.
Life insurance
EURm 2013 2012
Financial assets
Derivative financial instruments
Gains/losses 6 42
Financial assets designated as at fair value through p/l
Debt securities
Interest income 1 3
Gains/losses 0 -1
Equity securities
Gains/losses 0 0
Dividend income 0 0
Total 2 3
Investments related to unit-linked contracts
Debt securities
Interest income 46 34
Gains/losses -27 37
Equity securities
Gains/losses 210 237
Dividend income 13 11
Loans and receivables
Interest income -1 1
Other financial assets
Gains/losses 29 -26
Total 270 294
Loans and receivables
Interest income 1 1
Gains/losses -5 1
Total -4 1
Financial assets available-for-sale
Debt securities
Interest income 115 144
Gains/losses 2 13
Equity securities
Gains/losses 111 37
Impairment losses -33 -37
Dividend income 87 67
Total 282 224
Total financial assets 555 563
Other assets
Investment properties
Gains/losses 1 -0
Impairment losses 0 -2
Other 2 4
Total other assets 2 2
Net fee income
Asset management -13 -13
Fee income 25 22
Total 11 9
Life insurance, total 569 574
Included in gains/losses from financial assets available-for-sale is a net gain of EURm 70 (2) transferred from the fair value reserve.
EURm 2013 2012
Financial assets
Derivative financial instruments
Gains/losses 8 23
Loans and receivables
Interest income 1 0
Gains/losses -6 -0
Total -5 -0
Financial assets available-for-sale
Debt securities
Interest income 16 21
Gains/losses - 3
Equity securities
Gains/losses 5 -0
Impairment losses -0 -1
Dividend income 1 5
Total 22 28
Total financial assets 25 51
Other assets
Investment properties
Gains/losses 1 0
Other -0 -0
Total other assets 1 0
Net fee income -0 -0
Holding, total 26 51
Included in gains/losses from financial assets available-for-sale is a net gain of EURm 4 (2) transferred from the fair value reserve.
Elimination items between segments -22 -18
EURm 2013 2012
Group, total 942 967
Other income and expenses comprise rental income, maintenance expenses and depreciation of investment property.
All the income and expenses arising from investments are included in Net income from investments. Gains/losses include realised gains/losses on sales, unrealised and realised changes in fair values and exchange differences. Unrealised fair value changes for financial assets available-for-sale are recorded in other comprehensive income and presented in the fair value reserve in equity.
The changes in the fair value reserve are disclosed in the Statement of changes in equity.
The effect of discounting annuities in P&C insurance is disclosed separately. The provision for annuities is calculated in accordance with actuarial principles taking anticipated inflation and mortality into consideration, and discounted to take the anticipated future return on investments into account. To cover the costs for upward adjustment of annuity provisions required for the gradual reversal of such discounting, an anticipated return on investments is added to annuity results.
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