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Key Figures

Key Figures
Group key figures 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
Profit before taxes EURm 1,668 1,622 1,228 1,320 825
Return on equity (at fair values) % 13.8 19.9 7.7 21.8 55.7
Return on assets (at fair values) % 7.0 9.3 3.7 10.0 18.6
Equity/assets ratio % 32.7 31.3 29.7 29.8 28.6
Group solvency ¹) EURm 3,934 3,379 1,892 3,038 2,315
Group solvency ratio ¹) % 184.4 170.9 138.6 167.1 158.3
Average number of staff 6,832 6,823 6,874 6,914 7,311
P&C insurance
Premiums written before reinsurers' share EURm 4,768 4,698 4,414 4,189 3,888
Premiums earned EURm 4,505 4,363 4,094 3,894 3,643
Profit before taxes EURm 929 864 636 707 644
Return on equity (at fair values) % 24.4 36.9 12.4 39.8 53.2
Risk ratio ²) % 65.4 65.9 68.4 69.1 68.0
Cost ratio ²) % 22.8 23.0 23.5 23.7 24.1
Loss ratio excl. unwinding of discount ²) % 71.4 72.0 74.7 75.6 74.6
Expense ratio ²) % 16.8 16.9 17.3 17.2 17.6
Combined ratio excl. unwinding of discount % 88.1 88.9 92.0 92.8 92.1
Solvency capital **) EURm 3,601 3,359 3,080 3,373 2,943
% 37.9 34.1 34.2 38.2 36.3
Solvency ratio *) % 80.8 74.6 72.4 79.5 77.3
Average number of staff 6,238 6,225 6,299 6,392 6,807
*) Based on the financial statements of If Group.
Life insurance
Premiums written before reinsurers' share EURm 1,068 983 854 1,117 809
Profit before taxes EURm 153 136 137 142 121
Return on equity (at fair values) % 18.3 28.5 -11.7 36.2 97.6
Expense ratio % 106.6 113.9 109.1 112.1 111.0
Solvency capital (IFRS) EURm 1,401 1,389 1,046 1,335 927
% 27.6 27.6 20.9 25.7 18.5
Average number of staff 541 545 521 470 450
Profit before taxes EURm 589 623 456 474 36
Average number of staff 53 53 54 52 54
Per share key figures
Earnings per share EUR 2.59 2.51 1.85 1.97 1.14
Earnings per share, incl. Items in other comprehensive income EUR 2.54 3.37 1.22 3.22 5.88
Capital and reserves per share EUR 19.01 17.89 15.93 15.83 13.56
Net asset value per share EUR 22.15 17.38 14.05 17.79 14.63
Dividend per share ³) EUR 1.65 1.35 1.20 1.15 1.00
Dividend per earnings % 63.7 53.8 64.9 58.4 87.7
Effective dividend yield % 4.6 5.5 6.3 5.7 5.9
Price/earnings ratio 13.8 9.7 10.4 10.2 14.9
Adjusted number of shares at 31 Dec. 1 560,000 560,000 560,000 561,282 561,282
Average adjusted number of shares 1 560,000 560,000 560,863 561,321 561,370
Weighted average number of shares, incl. dilutive potential shares 1 560,000 560,000 560,863 561,321 561,370
Market capitalisation EURm 20,003 13,630 10,735 11,254 9,553
A shares
Adjusted number of shares at 31 Dec. 1 558,800 558,800 558,800 560,082 560,082
Average adjusted number of shares 1 558,800 558,800 559,663 560,121 560,170
Weighted average number of shares, incl. dilutive potential shares 1 558,800 558,800 559,663 560,121 560,170
Weighted average share price EUR 31.05 21.43 20.63 18.46 13.84
Adjusted share price, high EUR 35.92 25.04 23.90 20.71 17.72
Adjusted share price, low EUR 25.04 17.91 16.85 16.13 8.63
Adjusted closing price EUR 35.72 24.34 19.17 20.05 17.02
Share trading volume during the financial year 1 188,402 252,821 399,759 381,863 452,367
Relative share trading volume % 33.7 45.2 71.4 68.2 80.8
B shares
Adjusted number of shares at 31 Dec. 1 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
Average adjusted number of shares 1 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
¹) On 31 Dec. 2009 Nordea was consolidated as an associate to Sampo and Sampo became a financial and insurance conglomerate, in accordance with the Act on Supervision on Financial and Insurance Conglomerates (2004/699). The group solvency is calculated according to Chapter 3. The adjusted solvency was determined on the basis of the Group financial statements as permitted by the Financial Supervisory Authority.
²) Key figures for P&C Insurance are based on activity based costs and cannot, therefore, be calculated directly from the consolidated income statement.
³) The Board of Director's proposal to the Annual General Meeting for the accounting period 2013.
In calculating the key figures the tax corresponding to the result for the accounting period has been taken into account. The valuation differences, adjusted with the deferred tax liability, on the investment property have been taken into account in return on assets, return on equity, equity/assets ratio and net asset value per share. Additionally, the items in the other comprehensive income have been taken into account in return on assets and return on equity. In the net asset value per share, the Group valuation difference on associates Nordea and Topdanmark have also been taken into account.
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