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Consolidated comprehensive income statement, IFRS

Consolidated Comprehensive Income Statement, IFRS
EURm Note 1-12/2013 1-12/2012
Insurance premiums written 1, 8 5,618 5,413
Net income from investments 2, 10, 18 942 967
Other operating income 31 35
Claims incurred 3, 8 -3,677 -3,540
Change in liabilities for insurance and investment contracts 4 -697 -719
Staff costs 5 -634 -582
Other operating expenses 6, 8 -543 -576
Finance costs 10 -58 -75
Share of associates' profit/loss 14 686 700
Profit before taxes 1,668 1,622
Taxes 21, 22, 23 -216 -214
Profit for the period 1,452 1,408
Other comprehensive income for the period
Items reclassifiable to profit or loss 23, 24
Exchange differences -153 46
Available-for-sale financial assets 233 509
Cash flow hedges -0 -1
Share of associate's other comprehensive income -70 9
Taxes -22 -114
Total items reclassifiable to profit or loss, net of tax -13 449
Items not reclassifiable to profit or loss
Actuarial gains and losses from defined pension plans -21 44
Taxes 7 -13
Total items not reclassifiable to profit or loss, net of tax -14 31
Profit attributable to
Owners of the parent 1,452 1,408
Non-controlling interests - -
Total comprehensive income attributable to
Owners of the parent 1,425 1,887
Non-controlling interests - -
Earnings per share (EUR) 9 2.59 2.51
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