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Notes to Sampo plc’s Financial Statements

Notes to the liabilities
11 Movements in the parent company's equity
Restricted equity Unrestricted equity
EURm Share capital Fair value reserve Invested unrestricted capital Other reserves Retained earnings Total
Carrying amoun at 1 Jan. 2012 98 2 1,527 273 4,824 6,724
Dividends -672 -672
Recognition of undrawn dividends 6 6
Financial assets available-for-sale
-recognised in equity -0 -0
-recognised in p/l -1 -1
Profit for the year 737 737
Carrying amount at 31 Dec. 2012 98 0 1,527 273 4,895 6,793
Restricted equity Unrestricted equity
EURm Share capital Fair value reserve Invested unrestricted capital Other reserves Retained earnings Total
Carrying amount at 1 Jan. 2013 98 0 1,527 273 4,895 6,793
Dividends -756 -756
Recognition of undrawn dividends 7 7
Financial assets available-for-sale
-recognised in equity -0 -0
-recognised in p/l 3 3
Profit for the year 0
Carrying amount at 31 Dec. 2013 829 829
Kirjanpitoarvo 31.12.2013 98 4 1,527 273 4,976 6,877
Distributable assets
EURm 2013 2012
Parent company
Profit for the year 829 737
Retained earnings 4,146 4,158
Invested unrestricted capital 1,527 1,527
Other reserves 273 273
Total 6,775 6,695
12 Share capital
Information on share capital is disclosed in Note 34 in the consolidated financial statements.
13 Other liabilities
EURm 2013 2012
Unredeemed dividends 26 24
Derivatives 7 9
Guarantees for derivate contracts 47 78
Other 0 0
Total 81 111
14 Accruals and deferred income
EURm 2013 2012
Deferred interest 34 34
Derivatives 10 11
Other 21 15
Total 66 60
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