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Sampo Group Steering Model and Risk Management Process

Sampo Group’s steering model as well as the legal structure of the Group is straightforward and simple.

Sampo Group’s Steering Model

  1. The Group’s parent company Sampo plc steers the subsidiaries by setting capital and return on equity (RoE) targets for the subsidiaries and by defining preconditions for the subsidiaries’ operations in the form of the group wide principles. In addition to the opinions of the Sampo plc Board of Directors, the stakeholders’ expectations and external regulations affect the principles set by Sampo plc.
  2. Subsidiaries organize their activities independently taking into account the specific characteristics of their own operations and the group wide principles. The stakeholders’ expectations and external regulations affect the subsidiaries’ activities directly as well.
  3. Sampo plc reviews the Group as a business portfolio and is active especially in matters related to the Group’s capitalization and risks as well as related to the parent company’s capital structure and liquidity.

Further information on Sampo Group’s structure is available at

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